Improve your esg performance

With Our Integrated Sustainability Platform

In a world where sustainability has become a cornerstone of business success, navigating the complex terrain of environmental responsibility and social impact can seem like a daunting task, especially for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs).

That’s where our Integrated Sustainability Platform steps in—a comprehensive toolkit designed to empower SMEs to embark on their sustainability journey with confidence. Our platform offers a suite of services that make sustainability measurement, management, and communication accessible and effective.

Discover our sustainability toolkit

Carbon Footprint Calculator

Measure Your Impact with Ease: The Carbon Footprint Calculator Tool

CSRD Reporting Tool

Comply to the New European Reporting Standards SMEs: CSRD Reporting and Beyond

Green Impact Assessment Tool

Green Impact Assessment

Empowering Sustainability: The Green Impact Assessment for SMEs

ESG Policy Maker Tool

ESG Policy Maker Tool

Elevate Your Business: The Sustainable Impact Policy Maker Tool for SMEs

Dashboard Overview

Monitor progress easily

Our intuitive dashboard offers a quick overview of your sustainability journey. 

Track the services you’ve utilized, review the results of your assessments, and access the policies, metrics, and targets you’ve established. 

It’s your command center for sustainable excellence—a place to monitor, evaluate, and celebrate your achievements.

Expert Support

Guiding Your Sustainability Journey with us.

Our team of sustainability experts is ready to assist you every step of the way. From onboarding to ongoing support, we are committed to your success.


What clients say about our Impact Assessment?

It has been a great pleasure to work with Sustainary and their team. We have now found a reliable partner that can measure our impact in a lot of ways instead of only Co2 consumption. It gives us an opportunity to show in a very visible way what we do in terms of the Environmental & Social impact. We have therefore decided that Sustainary is our primarily partner when it comes to 3. part inspections.

Klaus Jorlet

CEO @WeDoWood

Conducting the GIA was a great experience for us at Flow Loop. At Flow Loop we have over the 6 past years been developing a sustainable shower, conducting the GIA visualized and documented how far we can come on creating a sustainable shower. Furthermore GIA also provide input on how we can improve as a company with focus on sustainability.

Troels Grene

CEO & Co-Founder @FlowLoop

Not only is the Green Impact Assessment an important tool in seeing where we excel, it’s also helpful in determining how we can uphold this standard, and how we can be even better as we grow and evolve.

Thomas Norman Canguilhem

Founder & CEO @EcoTree

Ready to unlock the full potential of your sustainability initiatives?